The right to kindness
The philosophy of human rights begins with the statement that "man has dignity". Therefore, human rights must be recognized and respected. According to the philosophy of human rights, it can be understood that human beings should be respected; But in order to be respected, a person must also maintain his human dignity. Of course, I don't mean any type of human who does not respect their human dignity is not entitled to human rights, including the right to life, the right to a fair trial, and other fundamental human rights; rather, I believe; if every human being is friendly and kind to his own kind and does not do violence to others and the environment and this reciprocity has a global cycle, man will be respected and the environment will be clean and free from violence. I conclude that maintaining human dignity is necessary for preserving his human dignity... and this result comes from "right to peace" and "right to kindness".
I hope experts and lawyers active in the field of human rights and international law will help my servant (Mahdi Pirgholi) in defining human dignity. My view on human dignity means believing in "right to peace" and "right to kindness"; that other rights based on these two rights are stable and prevent the degradation of human dignity...
I invite you; let's teach humanity the "right to peace" and "right to kindness" from childhood and build a prosperous future for them...; I have also presented Mench Pelleh to all humanity with the same purpose...

Please for a deep understanding of "right to kindness", click on the Mench Pelleh charter.