Welcome to Mench pelleh.

Guide to the Mench pelleh

As you are familiar with the old mench game (Mensch ärgere Dich nicht); Mench pelleh also starts with throwing dice (number six). The difference is that if the pieces is placed in any of the positive or negative numbers, it will go forward by the number of positive numbers and backward by the number of negative numbers.

Heart-shaped places are safe places, but they can be counted, except when the competitor's pieces is inside it; At that time, it could not be counted and must be passed by the safe place. In heart-shaped safe spaces, no pieces can be removed even with the player's agreement! Because the heart is inherently a place of kindness and it should not be darkened... Considering that all the Property and physical Rights of this game have been given to promote peace and kindness; In the place of empty circles, you can print or install the photos of your family members or friends or the members of the managers of the business complex. And multiply and donate as many as you want.

Mench Pelleh can also be played with 2 dice that the total number of dice and the individual or collective movement of the pieces depends on the initial agreement of the players (meaning that if we throw 2 dice, the number of one of the dice was 5, and the other was 4; According to the initial agreement, it is possible to add the numbers of the dice together and move one piece 9 spaces, or move one piece 5 spaces and the other die 4 spaces). Counting or not counting the starting place of the game also depends on the agreement of the parties.



·        Game Guide

The Mench Pelleh Game, like the old Mench game, starts with the number six in the roll of the dice and if the pieces come in any positive or negative number, the pieces will jump forward and backward according to the numbers of the dice. Hearts can be counted and are considered as safe zones and it is not possible to remove a pieces from the game when it is inside the hearts. Hearts won't count for competitors when they have a pieces inside them.

 By promoting this game, let's spread kindness and the right to peace...